Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hi guys,
so our stay in Latvia has come to an end.
You have done a lot of work during this short period of time in Riga and we are really proud of each and every one of you. Good work.
But one question still remains unanswered and we know that all of you are very excited and want to know as quickly as possible the reasons for which the first, second and third places were given.
So without further ado, here are the essay and video results and explanations:

The first place for the essay goes to Estonia.

·         Structure
·         Fluency
·         Vocabulary
·         Various points of view:
Personal opinion
School’s opinion
Society’s opinion

The second place goes to Lithuania.
·         Explaining what charity is and why it is needed
·         Use of facts
·         Structured
·         Portrayal of social reality
·         Christian values

The third place goes to Iceland.
A lot of information
Innovative ideas

The first place for the video goes to Iceland.
·         Your approach was innovative and original.
·         The contents of the movie were both interesting and funny.
·         You have successfully portrayed the given topic both in the video and the essay
·         The video looked professional. 

The second place goes to Lithuania.
·         The video had a clear message and you showed great teamwork.
·         The interviews were done professionally.
·         You have deeply considered the nature of charity.
·         The video portrayed what you have actually done in the field of charity
The third place goes to Finland!
·         The people you spoke with talked very clearly about the work they had done themselves in the field of charity.
·         Both students and teachers were interviewed
·         The quality of the video were good.
We hope that this short week has been informative and enlightening for you. Never forget that “we make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give” (Winston Churchill)
Hope to see you soon in Estonia,

Anna and Rytis

P.s. we miss you :)

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